Mid-Week Stewardship Thought

Expressing our Thanks to God

Understanding that God is the owner of our lives, our time, our talents, and our possessions helps us to remember to thank Him for all our blessings. Unfortunately, we often become very possessive of what we have. This is illustrated in the following story: A father takes his young son into McDonalds. The father gets a quarter-pounder and a drink, and the son gets a drink and a quarter-pounder with some fries. During the meal, the father reaches over for a French fry. The father was shocked when the son said, “Stop! These are my fries.” The father was very disappointed as he thought, “Wasn’t I the one a few minutes ago who bought these fries for my son, but now he is too selfish to share a couple.” Does God see us in this light? He provides for our needs and beyond. He gives so generously to us. When we don’t share and help others with what God has given to us, how does He feel?

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, You are the source of all good things and You give and keep on giving. Help me to imitate You through my giving. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Blessings on your stewardship journey!

Published by bobherring2009

Living in north central Arkansas among the trees and lakes serving the Lord in one of His churches. A lifelong Lutheran who cares greatly about God's Church. Recently married and enjoying life with my dear wife. Many interests--St. Louis Cardinals, NASCAR, and the St. Louis Blues!

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