Mid-Week Stewardship Thought

The Best is Yet to Come

It seems that the days following Christmas are used by many people look back upon the past year and take inventory of where their life has been, is going, and is headed. For some, it is a positive reflection upon what has been accomplished; for others, they would rather not remember the less than pleasing moments of life.

As a child of our Heavenly Father, you should be encouraged to remember with joy how God has helped you in both the good and not so good times of your life. Our God never forgets us!

During our time of reminiscing or thinking ahead, we should also acknowledge that the best is yet to come. Our lives on this earth will come to an end and, by God’s grace, we will join Him forever in heaven. That hope will sustain us in the days ahead because we do know that the best is yet to come!

Prayer: Dear Father, always keep the joy of knowing heaven is my home in the foremost part of my mind.

Blessings on your stewardship journey!

Published by bobherring2009

Living in north central Arkansas among the trees and lakes serving the Lord in one of His churches. A lifelong Lutheran who cares greatly about God's Church. Recently married and enjoying life with my dear wife. Many interests--St. Louis Cardinals, NASCAR, and the St. Louis Blues!

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