Mid-Week Stewardship Thought

Serving the One True God

If we allow money and possessions to become overly important, even becoming the center of our lives, we are violating the First Commandment, which is to serve no other gods than our one true God, and we become idolaters. Idolatry is whatever we set our hearts on and place our trust in other than God. The Apostle Paul tells us that covetousness is idolatry (Colossians 3:5). Rev. Randy Alcorn wrote, “Everything material we have, including money, is either a tool or an idol.” Through faith that God gives us, we are enabled to see and use money as a tool to provide for our needs, the needs of others, and to extend God’s kingdom. Satan, along with the world and our own sinful nature, uses money and things as tools to separate us from a relationship with Jesus. If we fail to use money as a tool, it mutates into an idol.

Prayer: Dear good and gracious Heavenly Father, You alone are God. Help me not to focus on money and possessions. I place my trust in You. Amen.

Blessings on your journey as a steward!

Published by bobherring2009

Living in north central Arkansas among the trees and lakes serving the Lord in one of His churches. A lifelong Lutheran who cares greatly about God's Church. Recently married and enjoying life with my dear wife. Many interests--St. Louis Cardinals, NASCAR, and the St. Louis Blues!

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